Remove many apks getting after Crosswalk integration in an Ionic app

here is the solution for the same, you can create new file as-

  1. Create a file named build-extras.gradle inside my /platform/android/ directory.
  2. put ext.cdvBuildMultipleApks=false inside it.
  3. ionic build android --release then and Voila, it worked.


the same can be done by adding one line in your existing file it will Take a minute and you can get the single build file by commenting out the


line in the platforms/android/



to see single apk just use this command and To build separate APKs for x86 and arm7, use this command-

$ MUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS=true ionic run android


Removing Crosswalk
Crosswalk can removed two ways.

$ ionic browser revert android
# or
$ ionic browser remove crosswalk

you can also see here.

Have a nice day!!!

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